Phone 697-1492 and 650-1998 Fax 697-1492

Guidelines and Requirements

General Requirements

  • Application Form
  • ID Picture
  • Income Tax Return – 2 years
  • Registration of Business Name if engaged in business
  • Residence Certificate (current year)


  • The Capacity to Pay of the applicant shall first be established
  • Two (2) Co-makers are required for all clean (uncollaterized) loans, irrespective of amount
  • Collateral is required for loans in excess of PhP 50,000.00
  • Maturity of Loans with lump-sum payments cannot fall on non-banking days (week-ends and holidays)

Services Policies

Pre-Termination Policy

Loan pre-termination refers to the full payment of the loan prior to the agreed maturity date. The policies are:

  1. Loan pre-terminations shall not be subject to a rebate of unearned interest.
  2.  The amount to be paid by borrower for the full settlement of the pre-terminated loan is as follows:
    • Lumpsum Payment – Maturity Value; or
    • Installment Payments – Installment Amount X No. of Installments still payable
Emergency Loan Facility through G-Xchange (GXI from Globe)
Loan Re-availments, Roll-overs, Overlapping Availments

Loan re-availment is the act of transacting for a new loan, the previous loan being fully paid. Roll-over exists when, on maturity date, the loan is extended for another definite period and only the charges are paid. Overlapping availment occurs when a second loan is availed of/ granted despite having an outstanding balance on the first loan. The policies are:


  1. A borrower can roll over a loan at the maturity date or apply for a new loan despite having an outstanding balance on an existing loan, provided that, there is no past due experience with the account
  2. The borrower has been a client for at least six (6) months.


  1. Lumpsum Payments
    • Roll-overs may be granted, provided that the roll-over is transacted the day before maturity of the check payment.
    • Overlapping availments may be granted, provided that, the overlapping availment amounts to no more than 50% of the original loan amount.
    • Total exposure (outstanding balance plus new loan) to borrower at any time should not exceed the loan ceiling.
  2. Weekly/Semi-Monthly/Monthly Installments
    • At least 50% of the existing loan accommodation has been paid.
    • Borrower agrees that the outstanding balance will be prepaid, that is, all outstanding installments due will be deducted from the proceeds of the new loan without rebate on interest. In effect, the borrower will have only a single account.
    • Maximum loanable amount is 1.5 times the previous/original loan.
    • Total exposure at any time should not exceed the ceiling.
  3. Daily Installments
    • Overlapping availments will be booked separately, and the outstanding balance will not be preterminated.
    • Maximum overlapping re-availments are:
      • 1.5 times original loan for the second reavailment.
      • 2 times original loan for succeeding reavailments.
    • Total of outstanding balance plus reavailment should not exceed the loan ceiling.



Real Estate Mortgage Loan (REM)


  1. Only titled lands (TCT & OCT) are acceptable as collaterals
  2. Lands/Properties covered by Free-Patent may be accommodated only if the five-year period from the date of issue of the Free-Patent has lapsed
  3. Lands/Properties showing  more than two (2) principal parties as owners (communales) will be accepted as collateral, provided that, a Special Power of Attorney (SPA)/Authority to Mortgage properly signed by all parties in favour of the principal borrower is submitted
  4. Lands/Properties should be located within area of coverage
  5. Land/Property owners shall be physically present during the signing of mortgage papers/documents.  If one or any of the property owner(s) is/are not present due to death, is/are out of the country or for other reason, the collateral will not be valid for acceptance
  6. All properties covered by Special Power of Attorney shall require the signature of the principal owners as co-makers
  7. All lands/properties shall undergo inspection, appraisal, and investigation to determine the validity and worth of the collateral

Loan Limits

  1. Thirty five percent (35%) of the market/sale value of land/property to be used as collateral is the maximum loanable amount;
  2. Improvements/Developments on real estate which are acceptable as part of the collateral are:
    • Residential house or building, provided that, it is insurable
    • All other improvements being part of the residential house/building


  1.  Original Title (TCT/OCT)
  2. Tax Declaration (current)
  3. Realty Tax Receipt (current year)
  4. Tax Clearance
  5. Location Plan with Vicinity Map
  6. Insurance policy of improvements properly endorsed to SGB Lending
  7. Pictures of improvements, if any
  8. D.A.R. requirements for agricultural lands:
    • Affidavit of Non-Tenancy
    • Clearance from D.A.R.


  1. Promissory Note (PN) [See Form 7]
  2. Disclosure Statement (DS) [See Form 8]
  3. Real Estate Mortgage (REM) [See Form 9]
  4. Special Power of Attorney/Authority to Mortgage (SPA), if applicable [See Form 11]
  5. Security Delivery Receipt (SDR) [See Form 19]
  6. Post-dated Check Receipt (PDC Receipt) if installment payments are covered by post-dated checks [See Form 20]


  1. Interest (i) – discounted, if term is three (3) months or less; add-on, if more than three (3) months
  2. Service Fee (SF)
  3. Credit Life Insurance (Ins.)
  4. Notarial Fee (Not.)
  5. Registration Charges (Reg’n.)
  6. Documentary Stamps (D/S)
  7. Penalty (Pen.), if applicable


  1. Maximum term is 12 months for installments and 90 days for single payments
  2. Manner of repayment may be lump sum, semi-monthly, or monthly.